Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Amusing ourselves to death

Postman said that his main concern was not the junk on television but the attempt to present it as a serious discourse. On one hand, the junk is attempting to present itself as serious, and on the other hand serious shows have to be entertaining and therefore present themselves as junk.
This paradox is emphasized by shows such as "hollywood stories" which trace stars' life with a very serious tone. A lot of shows exist today which are trying to convince the spectators that Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton's life must be known and understood for the sake of one's culture.
In order to escape this madness, one would say that the only alternative is to shut down the television and to turn it on at 8 to watch the news. Unfortunately, even the news are becoming an entertainment since it has to compete with all the "junk" shows. The only solution is to shut down the TV and never turning it on again. In France the first TV reality show appeared in 2001, since then it never stoped, every year new shows, more perverted every time. It is difficult to fight it, because it is so easy to sit down and watch all those "people like you", to make fun of them, or to support them, because they are just like us and we recognize ourselves in them. If we shut down the TV for ever what would we miss?
We can go to the cinema to watch movies and listen to radios or read newspaper in order to get the news. Let's try to stop vegetalisation of our mind by throwing out our televisions !

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